Improve Conveyor System efficiency & Reduce Downtime

Interruptions to your conveyor belt system will affect your business in a variety of ways. From unpredictable levels of power consumption to productivity drops and waste management, it’s imperative that you minimize instances of stoppage. Conveyor belt maintenance is vital, and those regular maintenance checks should be a standard part of your business processes. However, there are some additional ways to maintain optimal efficiency and reduce downtime. Here are some of the most proactive ways to ensure that your conveyor belt system is always performing at the maximum output while reducing the potential for downtime.

The Workplace Environment

All conveyor belts will perform differently according to the environments that they are working in. Knowing how conveyor belts work in those different conditions is vital and will play a large part in your conveyor belt maintenance. More challenging environments, such as workspaces with the potential for high levels of corrosion, will require a conveyor belt system that is optimized differently to function at 100% efficiency. If you want to avoid constantly buying conveyor parts, then you need to ensure that your maintenance checks include observation of the most vulnerable components of your conveyor belt.

Addressing Shock Loads

For many workplaces, the conveyor belt will be exposed to frequent shock loads. Rather than repeated workflow interruptions, you can instead look for better ways to improve the tensile strength of your conveyor system by looking to get a better conveyor belt replacement. Welded brushes and pins can also dramatically extend the lifespan of your conveyor chain and will ensure that you are less affected by downtime.

Predictive Maintenance

If you wait until your conveyor belt system breaks down before buying the spare parts that you need, then you are unnecessarily stopping workflow. Predictive maintenance conveyor management is vital, not only for reducing the potential for disruptive breakdowns but also to ensure maximum productivity. Make sure that you have replacement parts in stock for the most vulnerable sections of your conveyor belt system and you’ll be better equipped to make essential repairs before they become too much of an issue.

Think Ergonomically

Your entire conveyor design needs to be installed to be as safe and as productive as possible. This is especially true if you have workers loading and unloading those conveyors. The goal should be about making moving easier and more efficient so that injuries do not slow down workflow and that employees are as comfortable and efficient as possible. When a workplace injury can interrupt workflow, a more ergonomic conveyor belt system can be the solution that protects your team and your business.

Optimize Cleanliness

While industries such as food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals will always need to prioritize a clean conveyor belt system, all workspaces should strive to have the cleanest workspace possible. A dirty conveyor belt will cause unpredictable or excessive power usage. It can also cause a growing level of friction that will slow your conveyor belt down or cause belt slippages that will put your products and your team at risk.

Follow these basic safety tips and your workspace will be more productive, more efficient, and safer to use. Make sure that you know exactly how conveyor belts work in your workspace, prioritize maintenance, and maintain a steady supply of replacement parts in stock at all times. That way, your conveyor belt system will be working for you at maximum productivity no matter what.