Three Benefits Of Choosing A Customized Conveyor

There are two main types of conveyors: those that come off the shelf, created in a standard fashion, and those that are tailored to your facility and custom-made. We offer both options, but in this piece, we’re going to look at the benefits we’ve observed for those customers who’ve chosen to use a customized conveyor in their factory or production line. Read on to learn the three key benefits that a custom conveyor will bring to your enterprise, and why you should consider paying a little more for the benefits that these custom machines can bring.

Snug Fit

Many companies have large facilities in which space is not an issue. For these businesses, a conveyor that’s standard, without configuration, may be well-suited. But for all of those companies that struggle with space and still want to fit a conveyor into said space, they will look to a custom conveyor as the perfect solution for their lack of space.

You see, when you fit a conveyor in a factory, you either have to work around the specifications of a ready-made conveyor, or you can fit a conveyor around your current spacial limitations. When you choose the latter, you can make for a snug fit within your factory space, with a bespoke model designed and fitted to take up just the right amount of space.


When you purchase a conveyor, one of the key benefits that you have in mind is the efficiency saving that you’re going to generate by replacing your old machines – or manual labor – with a conveyor. The benefits of this kind of automation can be impressive – saving you thousands of dollars a month.

But what if you can drive that efficiency saving to its absolute optimal level? Well, that’s what a custom conveyor can help you achieve, leaving no room for error in your placement and operation. Conveyors are key parts of all production facilities, but the way they are fitted – and the optimization of their work – is something that can save you time and money over the long term.

Special Purposes

Some conveyors perform standard jobs. One of these, for instance, is the delivery-to-facility conveyor. This will simply carry deliveries from trucks into your factory on a flat course from the loading bay into your factory facility. It’s unlikely that these conveyors will need to serve any special purpose, so it’s unlikely that this will need to be a custom conveyor.

However, once inside your facility, the materials and goods that you’re ferrying around on your conveyors will likely need to travel along special lines. As soon as your conveyor has to perform a special task – and one that’s hard to make a standard machine facilitate – the best option for your firm is to commission a custom conveyor. Customizing a conveyor is an exciting way to mold your new factory operation to be perfectly efficient – and you’ll do this by making machines that fit in with special tasks in your facility.

There you have it: the three key benefits that a custom conveyor can bring to your firm.